Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I haven't posted in awhile so I just thought I would take a minute to write down some thoughts. I am kinda tired so this won't be long. I would like to blog more, but by the time the kids get to bed I don't really feel like sitting at the computer. So anyways, the other day I realized once again that I am not like a lot of my friends. I am in certain ways, but definitely not in hobbies. I am the only person I know that does not like to scrapbook. I just don't enjoy it. I started scrapbooking our marriage pictures right after we got married and realized that I really didn't enjoy it that much. My wedding photos are still not finished and I have been married for almost nine years. I just don't have the time and if I did I would rather research, read, or write history. I know I'm crazy. I have realized I miss out on a lot of time my friends spend together because they get together and scrapbook. But what can I say, I don't like it and I can't force myself to do it. I'm not saying scrapbooking is bad, it is just not for me. Another area I differ is in reading material. People always ask me, "so what are you reading?" and recently I have said, a book about Abraham Lincoln. I then get looked at like I am crazy. I have a hard time with fiction. I can read fiction and I enjoy some of it, but reading about real people with real stories far surpasses any made up story. In fact, I have never been able to finish Little Women and I have tried twice. I just can't stand it. I am okay being different, I mean nobody wants to be the same, but sometimes it would be nice to sit and talk with somebody about historical issues.


Deanna said...

Yay for you for darign to be different! :o) I love the fact that we all vary so much; I just wish we all loved it, too, instead of feeling like an outsider. :o) I felt the same way about the Stephenie Meyer's books. EVERYONE was reading them, and when I tried, I thought, 'this is IT?' But you know what I love to read? Fiction based on historical fact. My fav is any WWII history. I even read the "straight stuff" for that. :o)

Guess what? I hate scrapbooking, too. :o)

Jami said...

ME TOO!!! I HATE SCRAPBOOKING!!! I do, however, love fiction. I have a hard time with real life stuff. I not smart enough, I suppose...

Unknown said...

That is great that you are different. If we were all the same the world would be a very boring place. I am not a big fan of scrapbooking- it takes too long for my liking, but making cards is a different story.

As far as reading- Fiction is ok. The last fiction I read was the Twilight series.

However, I love politcal books and some history- I have read Alone in America, and I am currently reading Liberal Facism, which not what I thought it was going to be: it has been covering the history of Wilson's politics. I like reading things where I get to see into the mind of another person. The Doc is big on reading history: He reads like 4 books at once, and loves David McCollough. He has been trying to get me to read his works, but I am not as talented and can read one book at a time.