Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Six Things

I got tagged awhile ago, but it has taken me some time to think of six things to write about. So here are the ones I’ve (well with Josh’s help) come up with:

1. I hate talking on the phone. I’ve always hated talking on the phone even when I was a teenager. I don’t call and order pizza, I don’t call movie theaters, I usually don’t call to make doctors appointments. If there is anyway I can just get Josh to call instead of me I do it. That is why Josh is always the one calling and making plans. I think this phone phobia stems from the fact that I hate looking stupid and I’m always afraid of saying something stupid on the phone. I also think this is one reason I have had a hard time making and keeping friends.

2. I like Hillary Clinton. I know many of you out there will be shocked and dismayed, but I think she is a very intelligent, successful women and I am impressed by what she has done in her life. I also think many people out there who hate her know nothing about her. I am currently reading her book and I have to admit she has done a lot of good in her life. I also believe she would be just as successful, if not more so, if she had not married Bill Clinton (whom I also like). Along this same line, I am a registered Democrat.

3. I hate guns. My hatred of guns started when I was a kid and my dad came home from work and told me his boss’s only son was killed when a neighbor kid was playing with a gun and it accidently went off. I don’t want guns in my house and I never want my children to pretend they are playing with guns. Guns are dangerous and too many stupid people have them. To go along with my hatred of guns, is my hatred of hunting. Just one example, I just don’t understand how anyone could kill something as beautiful and graceful as a deer.

4. I am obsessed with the paranormal. I watch Ghost Hunters, a tv show on Sci fi, all the time. My favorite is Steve. It’s funny to me that he can hunt ghosts and yet be terrified of spiders, heights, flying, etc. Before I started watching Ghost Hunters I didn’t really know if I believed in ghosts, but after watching the show for a couple of years I will admit that I believe in the paranormal. My favorite episode is the one where they go to the Stanley Hotel and they hear a little girl say “hello?” and then laugh! Creepy!!

5. When Josh and I were dating we went camping at Flaming Gorge with some of Josh’s cousins. While there I jumped off a forty foot cliff into the water. It was fun, but I don’t think I will do that again.

6. As most people know, I love history. Most people don’t know (because I don’t think anybody really cares and I don’t like to talk about it) that I have one book review published in The Southern Historian and I have an article that I am working on getting published. Also, I am currently researching for a book I want to write about the Mormon experiences in Missouri during the 1830’s.

Well that’s my six things, nothing too exciting or spectacular. I am tagging Michelle Hawkes, Amy, Crystal, and that’s all I can think of.


Jamie said...

very fun (and interesting) to read about you! :) ....had i known you were a fan of the clintons, things might be different between us- j/k! :)

Deanna said...

Who knew?!?! :o) You crack me up, you registered Democrat, you! Can we still be friends??? (Haha - just kidding!) I am always so obsessed with watching the news, just to stay informed, that there is something to be said for someone who maintains their own opinion, contrary to popular belief. YOU GO GIRL! :o)

Deanna said...

You are published?!?!? Now you could be friends with Dr. Hilgers!! :o)

jessica said...

I'd say it's pretty interesting! You are amazing. I wish that my Grandpa was here -- he was an avid collector of old Mormon books of all types. He'd have been a great reference for your book. I have to say also that I kind of like Hillary too. I think she gets the job done. I don't agree on many things that she believes in, but I think she's done a lot of good too. Hope to see you guys as Christmas!

Crafty Momma said...

I like the paranormal and the history behind it! I think we would have fun conversations!

Kristi said...

Ghost Hunters Rocks! That has to be one of my favorite shows. It freaks me out, but I can't stop watching it. Ryan just laughs at me. Also, I find it refreshing to find someone who is a Mormon and a democrat...it seems to be rare :).