Friday, November 2, 2007

Well, we had a successful Halloween. Alexis was Batgirl, Camryn was Supergirl, and Marina was a skunk. I have to admit they were pretty cute. It did not take long for Marina to realize that people were giving her candy and she really got into the whole trick or treat thing. Wed. night she was kind of on a sugar high. She would run around like crazy and occasionally let out a scream. I do love Halloween. A lot of people say Halloween is evil and we shouldn't celebrate it because of the association of Halloween and the devil, but whatever I think Halloween is great. Camryn's preschool teacher made a comment that I agree with. She said that Halloween is America's holiday to celebrate children and to let all children know how much we love them. (although there is a part of me that thinks every holiday is like that)

Back to the issue with Alexis and her friend. Through continued association with girl Alexis has pretty much decided that her friend is really not that great of a friend and the obsession with her is over. They are still friends, but Alexis has told me she doesn't want to go over to her friends house anymore. I think the experience has been good for Alexis because she has discovered what makes a good friend.

On a different note, when we went to Denver in Sept I was introduced to a new drink. Deanna told me about a drink she makes with diet Coke and dr. Pepper and now I am addicted. In our home we have named that drink "the Deanna" so whenever I want one I just tell Josh to go and get me a "Deanna." So thank you Deanna!!


Deanna said...

Oh my gosh, that is sooo funny!! I don't know whether to be honored or embarrassed that I'm still so addicted that every one of my friend's knows EXACTLY what I like! :o) (This coming on the heels of another friend here bringing my "my drink" after watching her kids, and Ron giving me a hard time that my friends all know exactly what makes me happy.) Well...who cares! Enjoy!!! :o)

BTW - I'm very glad things have shaken out w/ Alexis and her friend. I know you're right: she probably really learned a lot from the experience. A blessing in disguise! :o)

Jamie said...

super cute! love the costumes!

Jessica Y. said...

What great costumes!!

Jami said...

Natalie, I'm tagging you to name six things about yourself that we may not know and then tag six freinds!