Monday, October 15, 2007

Now that Alexis is getting older we are being confronted with different issues and it is kind of strange. Most of you know that Alexis is really friendly and outgoing so I wasn't too worried about her making new friends here, but I wasn't ready for her to be friends with someone who I didn't really like. Of course Alexis is only six and so are her friends so it's not like a really big issue, but this friend of hers just causes me a little bit of concern. I guess it's because of the mother. She seems nice, but she dresses like a teenager in really short shorts, tight shirts, etc. It wouldn't be that bad if she had the body for it, but she doesn't. The family just looks like the type of family that doesn't place much emphasis on values, morals, etc. Anyways, Alexis's friends seems to try and dominate Alexis and order her around. Also, she tends to tell lies. Well, maybe not intentional lies, but stories about herself that will make her seem cool. For example, Alexis told her that her Grandma lived in Utah and her friend responded by saying her Grandma had lived in Utah 100 times. Obviously that does not make sense. Anyways, I'm just concerned Alexis will learn bad habits from her friend. For example, her friend likes to hold her fist up to people and threaten to punch them and we have noticed Alexis holding her fist up the same way. I've talked to Alexis I guess now I just have to wait and see. On a different note, I was put into the Primary presidency in our ward. It was kind of a shock because I had been in Young Women for so long. I am nervous and excited at the same time. Josh just got put into the Young Men's presidency so we are going to be busy. To change topics once again, the other day Camryn was playing my little ponies and Marina walked up and took the pony Camryn had. Camryn looked at Marina and in a very dramatic fashion said, "oh, Marina, you disappointed me!" I had to laugh.


Deanna said...

Oh, Camryn! You make me laugh so much! I miss you!! :o) Hey, I totally understand your plight: we're having the same concerns w/ Jared and a friend of his. The boy is nice enough, but his family has issues and they invite him over all the time... I worry about what he starts to think is "normal" and acceptable. I'm not ready for all this yet. However, that being said, you're the mom. You have to do anything and everything to make sure your kids are protected. It's okay to just say no about her choice of friends. At least right now you won't get as much of a fight as when she's a teenager. Good luck! I don't envy your position!

Max Fam said...

Camryn's flare for the dramatic is one of my favorite things about her!

Jami said...

Natalie, I dread that point in time. Let us know if you come up with the guaranteed to work thing to do. Good luck! My heart goes out to you. Keep praying!