So here we are in St. Louis. Not a place I imagined myself at this time of year. But my paper got accepted at a graduate history conference so we had to go so I could present it. My kids stayed with my parents for the weekend. We had a lot of fun, although it was cold the entire time. While we lived in Kentucky we drove through St. Louis many times, but we never stopped because it was either raining or the wrong time of day. That and we had a long drive ahead so we didn't want to prolong it more. Anyways, this time we went and saw the arch and went to the museum underneath. Then we went and saw Ulysses S. Grant's house. Unfortunately, it was closed and we could only look through the fence, but still I had the opportunity to stand on Grant's property, so awesome. For those of you who know me well, know I love Grant. He was one of America's greatest generals. It was a great experience and I'm glad I went, even though I was terrified to present my paper. It went well, and I was reminded once again how much I enjoy history.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Yes, I have finally taken a moment to blog. So not too much has been going on with us, just the same old stuff of living life.
Guess who came to Riverton???? I know it is hard to see in the picture, but that is former president Bill Clinton. I know all you die hard Republicans are like--what?! I would never go see him!! But I like Bill Clinton and I always have. You have to admit life was pretty good when he was president. Anyways even if you don't like him it's not everyday a former president comes to Riverton, okay it's pretty much never. So I had to take the opportunity to go and see him. He spoke well, like he always does, and I'm glad I went.
Here I am in Utah with my sisters. We went and saw the Blue Man Group at the beginning of Feb and finally got our pictures with our shirts. The concert was a lot of fun. I haven't had matching clothes with my sisters since like 1985.
When we went down to Utah we took the girls to see Disney Princesses on Ice. They loved it. There really wasn't a story line, it was just all the princess stories summarized which was kind of lame. But alas I went because I knew how much my girls would enjoy it and they did. In fact I remember going to Disney on Ice when I was a kid and I always really loved it so I wanted to take my own kids. And I will admit it, I also enjoyed the show.
Here is Easter morning at our house. We hid candy and eggs and the girls found it all. Of course, we had an Easter lesson about what Easter is about and why we celebrate it. When I was a kid we always hunted for candy and eggs and I still knew and understood the real reason behind Easter so we have continued the tradition with our kids.
Pretty girls!! The girls loved their new Easter dresses. Marina picked out her dress. I held up two different ones at the store and she keep pointing to this one saying "oooooh, pretty!" Even though they look like springtime it does not feel like it outside. In fact, yesterday it snowed. I have never been more ready for springtime than I am this year. After living in Kentucky, where by this by of year it was warm and the trees were blooming, this Wyoming winter is killing me!! Everything here is still brown and it has been so cold this past week. Oh well, guess I'll survive.
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